2023 Embodied Ritual Leadership (Pay in Full $555)

A 8-week ritual journey to empower women to step into leadership and embodied facilitation. Practical tools and foundations to confidently lead your own ceremonies and circles.


-Learn the art of facilitation, and the inner work it takes to step into authentic leadership.

-Discover your feminine compass of intuition and heart-knowing.

-Align with sacred business values

-Work with your own medicine and gifts in a circle of sisters

-Learn the power and art of ritual facilitation

-Get clarity on your path and your intentions


Sacred Contract and Agreement:

No refund, all exchanges are finalized. 


*Weekly live Session Thursdays at 12-1pm PST/3-4:30pm EST


$555.00 USD

2023 Commitment/Contract Form for Embodied Ritual Leadership with Natalia Price  

I understand the need for a deep level of commitment in the Embodied Ritual Leadership program. As such, in order to create a coherent, resonant container in which this frequency of alchemical and soul work can flourish, I, the undersigned do hereby commit to GO THE  DISTANCE in this initiation into the Mystery with this circle of  soul journeyers for 8 weeks!

As this is not a workshop, rather temple/mystery school work, we ask that  you deeply consider the following Commitments:  

1) I agree to give the focalizer (NATALIA PRICE) permission to catalyze  my spiritual growth in any way that she is Divinely impulsed from the heart*


2) I commit to go the distance and try as best I can to attend all sessions for this program commencing on Oct 26, 2023 and continuing until 8 weeks have been completed. 


 3) I commit to be on time to the calls to the best of my ability and stay for the whole session. (Unless I have already communicated with Natalia otherwise)


 4) I  agree to letting Natalia know if I will not be able to make a session or I will be late to the call.


5) I commit to take full responsibility for my own experience in this initiatory work. I understand that my spiritual growth will be catalyzed on all levels of being. 

I commit

 6) I commit that if any conflict arises with another participant in the group or with the focalizer, I will work with them directly to resolve the matter within the container of our group. 


7) I agree to the deepening practices as integration for this soul leadership work to the best of my ability.   


 8) I commit to honor the sanctity of the online temple portal and the Facebook group and engage with respect and honesty. Not copying any of the work unless given permission to and then giving credit for.


 9) I understand the sacrosanct nature of this mythic work.  Thus, I commit to not speaking about this work outside of the circle using anyone’s name associated with this circle and it’s workings. 


10) I commit to being responsible for the full amount of payment that I agreed with Natalia Price.

Specifically, if I miss a call for any reason, or for whatever reason do not complete the 8-weeks, I am still morally and financially responsible to pay for the whole amount agreed. 

In other words, I am committed to paying in full for all the sessions even if I cannot complete the program.

*If I miss a session, it is my responsibility to watch the Replay recording that week. 


  11) I understand that this is a spiritual training, NOT a psychotherapy  group. As such, it is not intended to diagnose or treat any existing  medical or psycho-social issues. 




The Embodied Ritual Leadership, and its founder, Natalia, are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Initiates must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Initiates must understand that they are entering into training in a pioneer field and all such training is given in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline. 

I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the Embodied Ritual Leadership commitment terms, conditions and disclaimer and that the information below I have given is true and correct. I hereby state that I, or any persons acting on my behalf, will hold harmless and file no claim against Natalia Price or the 13 Moon Mystery School,  for any damages assumed or otherwise for any conditions, be it emotional, mental, spiritual, physical or financial relating to my training with the Embodied Ritual Leadership. 

I have read and understood the above and  commit to all  that has been set forth regarding my participation in the Embodied Ritual Leadership.

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